Official Controls Qualification
(Animal Health Paraprofessional) OCQ(AHP)

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Register for FCCO, CSO and ATT training

Enter details
Make payment

Please register below to enrol for training:

  • A one-off registration fee of £59.00 plus VAT is payable.

Payments can be made online via our secure credit/debit card payments system. Once registered, your Personal Training Dashboard log in details will be sent to you by email so please enter your email address(es) carefully when registering.

Note: Please add '' to your email address book or whitelist to avoid our email notifications arriving in your spam/junk folder.

Please complete the details below and press continue:

Your details
First name
Last name

Email address (personal)
Email address (business)

Telephone number

Work location
Select the region where you are requesting authorisation

Employer details
Employer name
Address line 1
Address line 2
Address line 3


Note: to complete your registration your employer or representative of your employer must confirm your right to work and eligibility for the qualification. For an ATT candidate other representatives are permitted to confirm eligibility (see below).

For a CSO candidate this confirmation must be provided by a Certifying Officer (CO) who is either an Official Veterinarian holding the OCQ(V) - PX (Product Exports) qualification or Food Competent Certifying Officer (FCCO).

For ATT candidates, the confirmation of eligibility can also be confirmed by someone who is not your employer. If this is the case the person must be a veterinary surgeon who is a Member or Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (MRCVS/FRCVS). ATTs must note that a further declaration of eligibility will be required from a nominated Approved Veterinary Supervisor (AVS) following completion of the theory training and before any practical training can commence.

Current FCCOs can revalidate their existing authorisation by claiming grandfather rights on the FCCO course via the 'please select your intention following registration' option below.

Employer email address
Employer telephone number

Please select your intention following registration
Postal address

Please provide an address where we may contact you by post if required (i.e. your home address).

Address line 1
Address line 2
Address line 3

Your signature
Upload a photograph or scan of your signature as a .JPG or .JPEG file (Signature upload guidelines)
(To enable the required and relevant checks to be carried out it is necessary to provide a digital photograph of your signature.)
Please enter any comments regarding your registration (optional)
Payment option

I have read and agree to the Terms and conditions

I understand that I will receive official communications related to my training and role as an Animal Health Paraprofessional

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