Official Controls Qualification
(Animal Health Paraprofessional) OCQ(AHP)

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Welcome to the Animal Health Paraprofessional training website

provided by Improve International, on behalf of the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA)

Thank you for visiting Improve International's official Animal Health Paraprofessional (AHP) training website, provided on behalf of the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA). On this site, you will find all the information you need to train for the Official Controls Qualification (Animal Health Paraprofessional) and Official Controls Qualification (Certifying Officer) qualifications.

Please follow the links below for information on the following courses:

OCQ(CO) - FCCO (Food Competent Certifying Officer)

The Food Competent Certifying Officer (FCCO) course provides training for Environmental Health Officers and Food Safety Officers who wish to work on behalf of the Government to complete Export Health Certificates (EHCs) for certain animal products. At present, this qualification is for GB only.

This link will take you the full APHA Policy for Authorisation of FCCOs (ET209). All FCCOs must be familiar with the content of this document as it is the policy under which they are authorised.

You will need to register before you can start the FCCO training.

OCQ(AHP) - ATT (Approved Tuberculin Tester)

The Approved Tuberculin Tester (ATT) course provides the training required for a paraprofessional to conduct TB skin testing of cattle in England and Wales, under the direction of an Approved Veterinary Supervisor (AVS). 

You can view the Policy for Authorisation of ATTs (TR541) here. All ATTs must be familiar with the content of this document as it is the policy under which they are authorised.

You will need to register before you can start the ATT training.

For the OCQ(AHP) - ATTr (Approved Tuberculin Tester revalidation) course, click here.

OCQ(AHP) - CSO (Certification Support Officer)

The Certification Support Officer (CSO) course provides training for paraprofessionals who wish to work on behalf of the Government, under the direction of a Certifying Officer (CO), to collect the evidence required for the CO to complete Export Health Certificates (EHCs) for animal products (excluding germinal products/germplasm).

You can view the Policy for Authorisation of CSOs (ET175) here. All CSOs must be familiar with the content of this document as it is the policy under which they are authorised.

You will need to register before you can start the CSO training.

For the OCQ(AHP) - CSOr (Certification Support Officer revalidation) course, click here.

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Animal Health Paraprofessional training

Welcome to the Improve AHP website.

APHA's AHP and CO Instructions have moved and are now hosted by Improve International. They can be accessed using the links below:

Counts of AHPs/COs Authorised by APHA in GB

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