Official Controls Qualification
(Animal Health Paraprofessional) OCQ(AHP)

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Training Provider

Improve International

'We are dedicated to developing careers, improving practice performance and driving veterinary education forwards. Progress through learning.'  

Improve International has been appointed by the Animal and Plant Health Agency (APHA) to manage the registration and training of Official Veterinarians (OVs) and Animal Health Paraprofessionals (AHPs) in England, Scotland and Wales.

As one of the UK's fastest growing veterinary training companies, we are run by vets, for vets. Since 1998 we have been delivering quality continuous professional development (CPD) and a range of Postgraduate Certificate (PgC) programmes in partnership with the International School of Veterinary Postgraduate Studies (ISVPS) and Harper Adams University (HAU). 

We are pioneers of modular CPD and 'blended training', which mixes face-to-face and practical training with online study. We use world class speakers and have an alumni that includes thousands of vets and veterinary paraprofessionals. Our aim is to help develop veterinary careers and improve practice performance through setting high standards in veterinary learning.

Founded in the UK and based in state-of-the-art facilities near Swindon, we operate in more than 20 countries worldwide.

If you would like to find out more about Improve International, visit

Improve International


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Animal Health Paraprofessional training

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APHA's AHP and CO Instructions have moved and are now hosted by Improve International. They can be accessed using the links below:

Counts of AHPs/COs Authorised by APHA in GB

OV Training

For Official Veterinarian training visit

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